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HealthSheets™: S
S - Sd
Se - Sg
Sh - Sn
So - St
Su - Sz
S - Sd
Sacroiliac Strain, Understanding
Safe Disposal of Unused Prescription Medicines
Safe Exercise, Diabetes and Your Child
Safe Lifting, Step-by-Step
Safe Skin-to-Skin Contact with Your Newborn
Safe Surrender of Your Baby, Understanding
Safety, Back: Bending
Safety, Back: Lifting
Safety, Back: Sleeping Positions
Safety, Teaching Children Scooter, Skateboard, and Inline Skating
Saline Infusion Sonography
Saline Infusion Sonography
Salmonella Infection (Salmonellosis)
Salt, Tips for Using Less
Sanitary Pads and Tampons
Sanitary Pads and Tampons, About: For Girls
Sarcoidosis, Pulmonary
Scaling and Root Planing, What Is
Scan, PET
Scar Revision Surgery
Scar Revision: Z-Plasty
Scarlet Fever, When Your Child Has
Schizoaffective Disorder, Understanding
Schizophrenia, Treating
Schizophrenia, Understanding
SCI Emergency Preparedness
Scleral Buckling Surgery, Having
Scleroderma, When Your Child Has
Scoliosis Brace, Your
Scoliosis Surgery (Pediatric), Discharge Instructions
Scoliosis Surgery, Discharge Instructions for
Scoliosis, Treating
Scoliosis, Understanding
Scoliosis, Your Evaluation
Scooter Skateboard Skates Safety
Screening, Rh-Negative
SDOH and Cancer Appointments
SDOH and Cancer: Transportation Resources
SDOH and Nutrition During Cancer Treatment
SDS, Reading an, Staff Ed
Se - Sg
Seborrheic Keratosis, Understanding
Secondary Carnitine Deficiency
Second-Degree Heart Block, Understanding
Sedation, Procedural
Segmental Doppler Pressure Testing, Understanding
Seizure, Safety During A: Epilepsy
Seizures and Epilepsy
Seizures, Febrile
Seizures, Partial: Know what to do
Seizures: First Aid
Selecting Your Pouch, Colostomy
Selecting Your Pouch: Ileostomy
Selective Mutism, Treatment for
Selective Mutism, Understanding
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
Self-Care, Stroke
Self-Catheterization for Men, Discharge Instructions
Self-Catheterization for Women, Discharge Instructions
Self-Injection Procedure, Penile
Sensation, Loss of: Safety Tips
Sepsis (Baby)
Sepsis, Understanding
Septal Myectomy, Having a
Septal Myectomy, Understanding
Septic Arthritis (Infectious Arthritis), When Your Child Has
Serotonin Syndrome
Serum Sickness
Serum Sickness-Like Reaction (SSLR)
Serving Sizes, How to Judge
Sever Disease, When Your Child Has
Severe Morning Sickness (Hyperemesis Gravidarum)
Sex and Aging: Talking About Sex
Sex, Deciding About: For Teens
Sexual Assault
Sexuality Spinal Cord Injury
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), What Are
Sh - Sn
Shellfish: When Your Child Has a Food Allergy
Shigellosis Food Poisoning, Understanding
Shingles (Herpes Zoster)
Shock: First Aid
Shoes, Wearing Proper
Short Sprints: Exercises to Increase Agility
Shots, Allergy (Immunotherapy)
Should You Have BRCA Gene Testing
Shoulder Abduction (Flexibility)
Shoulder Abduction (Strength)
Shoulder Abduction, Isotonic (Strength)
Shoulder Arthroscopy, Discharge Instructions for
Shoulder Arthroscopy, Shoulder, Conditions Treated
Shoulder Exercise: Standing Scapular Pinch
Shoulder External Rotation (Flexibility)
Shoulder Flexibility, Exercises For: Elevation (Reaching Up)
Shoulder Flexibility, Exercises For: Pendulum Exercise
Shoulder Flexion (Flexibility)
Shoulder Flexion (Strength)
Shoulder Impingement
Shoulder Impingement Syndrome, Understanding
Shoulder Impingement, Nonsurgical Treatment Options for
Shoulder Impingement, Surgery for
Shoulder Impingement, Surgery for: Your Experience
Shoulder Instability, Understanding
Shoulder Internal Rotation (Strength)
Shoulder Joint, Bankart Lesion of the
Shoulder Joint, SLAP Lesion of the
Shoulder Joint, The
Shoulder Replacement Surgery, After: Back In The Swing
Shoulder Replacement Surgery, After: Your Home Recovery
Shoulder Replacement Surgery, After: Your Hospital Recovery
Shoulder Replacement Surgery, Total
Shoulder Separation, Treatment for
Shoulder Stretch: External Rotation
Shoulder Surgery, After (SLAP Repair or Bankart Repair)
Shoulder, Flexibility Exercises: Broom Stretch
Shoulder, Frozen, Treating: Exercises
Shoulder, Treating Frozen: Medical Treatment
Shoulder: Preventing Repetitive Motion Injury
Sick Day Plan, Diabetes
Sick Day Plan, Type 1 Diabetes and Your Child
Sickle Cell Anemia and Sickle Cell Crisis (Pediatric), Discharge Instructions for
Sickle Cell Anemia and Sickle Cell Crisis, Discharge Instructions
Sickle Cell Anemia in Children, Treating
Sickle Cell Anemia, When Your Child Has
Side Steps: Exercises to Increase Agility
Side-Lying Hip Abduction (Strength)
Simple Kidney Cysts
Simple Renal Cysts
Single Leg Balance
Single-Dose Dry-Powder Inhalers (DPIs)
Sinus Problems, Understanding
Sinus Surgery (Endoscopic)
Sinus Surgery, Endoscopic
Sinuses, Evaluating Your: Diagnostic Tests
Sinuses, Evaluating Your: History and Exam
Sinuses, Understanding Your
Sinusitis in Children
Sinusitis, Acute
Sinusitis, Causes of
Sinusitis, Chronic
Sinusitis, Preventing
Sinusitis, Self-Care for
Sinusitis, Treating Chronic
Sinusitis, When Your Child Has
Sitting with a Walker (Non-Weight Bearing), Step-by-Step
Sitting with a Walker (Weight Bearing), Step-by-Step
Sitting with Crutches (Non-Weight Bearing), Step-by-Step
Sitting with Crutches (Weight Bearing), Step-by-Step
Sitting, Back Safety
Sitz Bath, Taking a
Sixth Nerve Palsy (Child), Treatment for
Sixth Nerve Palsy (Child), Understanding
Sixth Nerve Palsy, Treatment for
Sixth Nerve Palsy, Understanding
Sjögren Syndrome
Skeletal Anatomy, Pediatric
Skeletal Growth (Child)
Skier’s Thumb, Understanding
Skin Cancer, Checking for
Skin Cancer, Types
Skin Cancer, Preventing
Skin Graft Surgery
Skin-to-Skin Contact for Newborns
Skull Fracture (Child), Treatment for
Skull Fracture (Child), Understanding
Skull Fracture, Understanding
SLAP Repair: Shoulder Joint Surgery
Sleep Apnea, After Surgery for
Sleep Apnea, Mouthpieces for
Sleep Apnea, Obstructive, (OSA), When Your Child Has
Sleep Apnea: Surgical Options
Sleep Clinic, Visiting
Sleep Hygiene for Adults
Sleep Study for a Child
Sleep Study, Home: Monitoring Your Sleep
Sleep Study, What is
Sleep, Monitoring Your: Sleep Lab Testing
Sleep, Promoting Good, For Your Child
Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (SCFE), When Your Child Has
Slips on the Job, Preventing
Slips, Trips, and Falls, The Science of
Small for Gestational Age (SGA)
Small-Incision Cataract Surgery
Small-Incision Cataract Surgery, After: The First 24 Hours
Small-Incision Cataract Surgery, Before
Smallpox-Monkeypox Vaccine: What You Need to Know
Smoke Free, Benefits of Living
Smoke Inhalation
Smoke, Why Do You
Smoke-Free, Staying
Smokeless Tobacco, Understanding
Smoking and Diabetes
Smoking Withdrawal, Coping With
Smoking, Teens and: A Toxic Addiction
Smoking, Teens and: Do you Know the Truth?
Smoking, Getting Support for Quitting
Smoking, Health Effects of
Smoking, Know the Risks: For Teens
Smoking, Planning to Quit
Smoking, Tips for Quitting (Cardiovascular)
Smoking, What You Should Know About: For Teens
Snacking, Healthy
Snoring and Sleep Apnea, Surgical Treatment for
Snoring and Sleep Apnea, What Are
Snoring and Sleep Apnea: Notes for a Partner
Snoring, Tips to Help Prevent
So - St
Social Media and Your Mental Health
Social Phobia (Social Anxiety Disorder), Understanding
Sodium, Eating Less: Kidney Disease
Soleus Stretch (Flexibility)
Sonohysterography (Uterine Ultrasound), Having
Sonohysterography (Uterine Ultrasound), Understanding
Sore Throat, When You Have a
Sore Throats, Self-Care for
Soy: When Your Child Has a Food Allergy
Spasm, Coronary Artery
Special Care During Childbirth
Speech, Improving: Dysarthria
Spermicides, Birth Control
Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction
Spica Cast, When Your Child Needs
Spices for Flavorful Meals, Using
Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) and Pressure Injuries
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI), Depression and
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI), Employment After
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI), Nutrition and
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI), Physical Fitness and
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI), Sexuality and
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI), Understanding
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI): Adjusting After Discharge
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI): Emergency Preparedness
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI): Healthy Breathing
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI): Managing Medicines
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI): Managing Pain
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI): Managing Your Bladder
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI): Managing Your Bowel
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI): Preventing Complications
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI): Upper Limb Care
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI): Your Transition Home
Spinal Cord Injury After Discharge
Spinal Cord Injury Manage Meds
Spinal Cord Injury Transition Home
Spinal Cord Injury Upper Limb Care
Spinal Cord Injury, Research for
Spinal Cord Injury: Pain Management
Spinal Cord Injury: Treatment and Rehabilitation
Spinal Fusion
Spinal Fusion: Anterior Lumbar
Spinal Fusion: Cervical
Spinal Fusion: Recovery
Spinal Fusion: Understanding Bone Graft
Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Spinal Tap (Lumbar Puncture), Having a
Spinal Tap, When Your Child Needs an
Spine and Disk Problems, Common
Spine, Normal Anatomy
Spirometry, Pulmonary Function Tests: When Your Infant Needs
Splenectomy, Laparoscopic (Pediatric), Discharge Instructions for
Splenectomy, Laparoscopic, After
Splints, Shin
Spondylolysis or Spondylolisthesis, When Your Child has
Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD)
Sprains and Fractures: First Aid
Staff Ed- Making Sure Your Patients Get Vaccines
Staff Ed: Social Determinants of Health: How Daily Issues Impact Your Patients
Staff Ed: Social Determinants of Health: Resource List
Staging of Bladder Cancer
Standing External Rotation (Strength)
Standing Scapular Pinch
Standing with a Walker (Non-Weight Bearing), Step-by-Step
Standing with a Walker (Weight Bearing), Step-by-Step
Standing with Crutches (Non-Weight Bearing), Step-by-Step
Standing with Crutches (Weight Bearing), Step-by-Step
Standing, Back Safety
Stapes Surgery
Staying Healthy, Partial Seizures
Staying Safe During a Seizure
Stays in the Hospital, When Your Child
STD Symptoms in Men: For Teens
STD Symptoms in Women: For Teens
STDs, Get Checked for: For Teens
STDs, Get the Facts About: For Teens
STDs, Older Adults and
STDs, Understanding
Stent, Peripheral Arterial Angioplasty and
Stents, Coronary
Stents, Ureteral
Step Therapy for Medicine
Sterile Technique for Putting on Gloves, Step-by-Step
Sterile Technique for Taking Off Gloves, Step-by-Step
STI, If You Think You Have
Stimulation, Spinal Cord
Stinger, When Your Child Has a
STIs, Reduce Your Risks for Getting, Teens
Stoma Care: Changing the Pouch, Step-by-Step
Stoma Care: Emptying the Pouch, Step-by-Step
Stoma Care: How to Irrigate, Step-by-Step
Stoma Care: Preparing to Irrigate, Step-by-Step
Stoma Care: Sizing the Opening, Step-by-Step
Stoma Care: Your Stoma and Skin, Step-by-Step
Stoma, When Your Child Needs a
Stomach (Gastric) Cancer, What Is
Strabismus and Amblyopia, Understanding
Strabismus Surgery
Straddle Injury, Understanding
Straight Leg Raise
Strain, Sprain, or Contusion, When Your Child Has a
Strains and Sprains, Self-Care for
Strains and Sprains, Treating
Strength Training, Understanding
Strep Throat
Strep, Group B, Treating
Strep, Group B: What Is?
Stress and Cardiovascular Health, Controlling
Stress Relief: A Positive Lifestyle
Stress Relief: Activities
Stress Relief: Changing Your Response
Stress Relief: Relaxation
Stress Test, Exercise
Stress Tests, Nonstress and Contraction
Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI), What Is
Stress, Causes and Effects
Stress, Coping with Shortness of Breath: Controlling
Stress, Identifying Causes of
Stress, Manage with a Healthy Lifestyle
Stress, Keys to Managing
Stress, Responding Better to
Stretch for Tendon Injury
Stretches, Leg Muscle, Knee Flexion
Stretches, Leg Muscle: Hamstring Stretch (with Towel)
Stretches, Leg Muscle: Hamstrings (Seated)
Strip Craniectomy for a Child
Stroke and Heart Disease
Stroke and High Blood Pressure, Understanding the Link Between
Stroke Swallowing Problems Caregiving
Stroke, Carotid Artery Problems
Stroke, Discharge Instructions for
Stroke, Effects on the Brain and Body
Stroke, Intimacy After
Stroke, Mood Swings and Depression After
Stroke, Preparing for Home Care After: For Caregivers
Stroke, Preventing Another: For Caregivers
Stroke, Preventing Recurrent with a Healthier Lifestyle
Stroke, Preventing Recurrent: Eating Healthy
Stroke, Preventing Recurrent: Getting Active
Stroke, Regaining Movement After: For Caregivers
Stroke, Risk Factors for
Stroke, Self-Care After: For Caregivers
Stroke, Swallowing Problems After: For Caregivers
Stroke, Symptoms
Stroke, the First Few Hours After a
Stroke, What is Hemorrhagic
Stroke, What is Ischemic
Stroke: Effects on the Brain
Stroke: Resources and Support
Stroke: Swallowing, Tips for
Stroke: Taking Medicines
Stuffy Nose Sneezing Hiccups Newborn
Stuffy Nose, Sneezing, and Hiccups in Newborns
Stump Wrapping, Below the Knee, Discharge Instructions
Sturge-Weber Syndrome (SWS), When Your Child Has
Stye, When Your Child Has a
Su - Sz
Subcutaneous (Sub-Q) Injection, (Single Medicine), Giving a
Subcutaneous Calcaneal Bursitis, Understanding
Subcutaneous Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (S-ICD)
Sublingual Immunotherapy, Understanding
Submandibular Gland Excision
Subscapular Bursitis, Understanding
Substance Abuse and TBI
Substance Abuse and Traumatic Brain Injury
Substance Abuse in Teens, Recognizing the Signs
Substance Use Disorder: Your Treatment Options
Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder
Subungual Hematoma
Suctioning a Child's Tracheostomy, Step-by-Step
Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Suicide Warning Signs: What Can You Do
Suicide, Recognizing Warning Signs in Others
Suicide, Recognizing Warning Signs in Yourself
Suicide, Warning Signs and What You Can Do
Sun Poisoning (Sunburn)
Supine Hamstring Stretch
Supplements, Folic Acid (Folate)
Supplements, Iron
Supplements, Vitamin and Mineral
Supplements, Vitamin C
Supplements, Vitamin E
Support for Side Effects During Cancer Treatment
Support Network for Mental Health
Suprapubic Catheter, Bladder Training, Discharge Instructions
Suprapubic Catheter: Caring for, Discharge Instructions
Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT), Treatment for
Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT), Understanding
Surgery Coloring Sheet for Kids, Before Surgery
Surgery Coloring Sheet for Kids, Getting Ready at Home
Surgery Coloring Sheet for Kids, Going Home
Surgery Coloring Sheet for Kids: In the Operating Room
Surgery for a Ventricular Assist Device, Understanding
Surgery for Incontinence: Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Surgery for Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer
Surgery for Pituitary Tumor
Surgery, After Open-Heart: In the Hospital
Surgery, Coronary Artery Bypass
Surgery, foot: Bone Spurs
Surgery, Foot: Degenerative Joint Disease
Surgery, Foot: Plantar Fascia Problems
Surgery, Hernia Repair
Surgery, Jaw (Orthognathic): Your Surgical Experience
Surgery, Managing Pain After
Surgery, Nutrition After
Surgery, Orthopaedic, When Your Child Needs
Surgery, Pituitary Tumor
Surgery, Preparing for: AVM
Surgery, Refractive: Phakic IOLs
Surgery, Scleral Buckling, Understanding
Surgery, Tubal Sterilization
Surgery, When Your Child Needs: Anesthesia
Surgery, When Your Child Needs: Communicating with Hospital Staff
Surgery, When Your Child Needs: Helping Siblings Cope
Surgery, When Your Child Needs: Pain Management Techniques to Supplement Medication
Surgery, When Your Child Needs: Pre-operative (Pre-op) Information
Surgery, When Your Child Needs: Preparing Your Infant (0 to 12 months)
Surgery, When Your Child Needs: Preparing Your Preschooler (3 to 5 years old)
Surgery, When Your Child Needs: Preparing Your School-aged Child (6 to 12 years old)
Surgery, When Your Child Needs: Preparing Your Teenager (13 to 18 years old)
Surgery, When Your Child Needs: Preparing Your Toddler (1 to 2 years old)
Surgery, When Your Child Needs: The Operating Room and Staff
Surgery, When Your Child Needs: Using Play
Surgery, When Your Child Needs: Words to Use With Your Child
Surgical Procedures, Hysterectomy
Surgical Repair of Skier’s Thumb, Understanding
Surgical Safety, Maximizing
Surgical Settings, Foot Surgery:
Surgical Site Infection Prevent
Surgical Site Infections, Preventing
Surgical Thrombectomy, Having
Surgical Thrombectomy, Understanding
Suture Care
Swaddling Your Newborn, Step-by-Step
Swimmer's Ear, When Your Child Has
Swollen Lymph Nodes, When Your Child Has
Sympathectomy, Understanding
Sympathetic Nerve Block
Sympathetic Nerve Block
Sympathetic Nerve Block, Your Experience
Syncope, Causes of
Syncope, Diagnosing
Syncope, Treating: Helping Your Heart
Syncope, Treating: Prevention
Syncope, What is
Syndrome, Acquired Brown (Superior Oblique Tendon Sheath Syndrome)
Syndrome, Metabolic
Syphilis, Understanding: For Teens
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (Lupus), Understanding
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